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Our Teaching Provision 

Our Teaching Provision 

We take great pride in giving each student a high-quality education experience to help them achieve their learning goals. 

The Oxford International Teacher Training team is a team of dedicated education professionals passionate about languages and teaching. Our trainers are highly qualified experts in their field and have a wealth of experience teaching in face-to-face and online settings. They are here to guide you and help you every step of the way. 

Regular inspections and accreditation

We are regularly reviewed by independent industry regulators and accrediting bodies who comprehensively assess our schools and ensure we achieve excellence across all that we do.

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IMG ACC Trinity College London

As part of Oxford International, we work with Trinity College London, an independent awarding body and examinations board and has been providing assessments and qualifications around the world since 1877, to ensure that students receive high-quality and accredited teacher training.

Partnered Remote Language Improvement Project (PRELIM)

Funded by the British Council and run in partnership with IATEFL and English UK, with NILE as managing consultants, PRELIM (the Partnered Remote Language Improvement Project) funds the delivery of tailor-made training to improve the English teachers’ language competence and increasing their confidence in the classroom across 40 countries. 

Each year, select organisations are chosen to take part in the project and submit a throughout report on their findings. These findings help improve outcomes across the TESOL and online teaching industry.


PRELIM aims to develop teaching standards across 20 countries, using the expertise of major English language organisations. Oxford International’s teacher training division is proud to be one of the English UK member centres selected for the project. The project functions like a mentoring programme, created to develop and improve the delivery of remote language learning courses.

Oxford International Teacher Training Division & PRELIM

What was your experience like working with an English Teacher Association abroad?

”Working on the PRELIM projects has been incredibly rewarding experience. I believe it is a great example of how small and medium-sized businesses can make a global impact. Helping teachers in distant parts of the world achieve their potential has not only been very gratifying but it has also allowed us and our teachers, to grow professionally and personally from the experience. We are very excited to now embark on the PRELIM 3 journey and start working with English Language and Literature Teachers’ Society Cameroon. We have no doubt that the coming PRELIM will be just as inspiring and just as fun as the previous two.“

Kamila Dolejsi, Academic Director at Oxford International Education Group

“I thoroughly enjoyed working with an English Teacher Association because I could share some of my experience gained from my time as a TEFL teacher. Still, I also learned loads about education in other cultures and gained insight into alternative methods of teaching as a result.”

Rose Hegarty – Teacher – Oxford International

Did the PRELIM project have any impact on your teaching career or skills?

The PRELIM course had a positive impact on my skills as a teacher in several ways. Firstly, I had to familiarise myself with new online teaching platforms. Secondly, it was my first time teaching a course which served as a hybrid of ELT and teacher training. This was particularly interesting as it was my first experience teaching teachers, and I have since trained as a Trinity CertTESOL trainer. Finally, the lack of breakout rooms in the live lessons encouraged me to change my approach to online lessons, as I could not simply put students in different rooms to work together. Instead, I had to make use of collaborative apps such as Jamboards to get students working together. As a result of this course, I felt better prepared and more experienced both as an online teacher and teacher trainer. 

Jack Keating – OIDI Senior Teacher

“Absolutely, I was equipped with a new understanding of the daily life of teachers in other countries and created materials that would meet the needs of their experience, personalising learning. It also allowed me to teach via WhatsApp, which I had never previously explored as an educational platform.”

Rose Hegarty – Teacher – Oxford International

“Working with Oxford International Education Group for the PRELIM 2 project was a rewarding and eye-opening experience as I had the chance to collaborate with a team of passionate teachers to support the development of fellow educators in a constructive way. The project gave me the opportunity to gain some valuable experience in teacher training and also the freedom to exercise my own digital skills to motivate and engage all participants. Thanks to the optimal collaboration of our team, all lessons were effective in achieving a range of goals and even though the duration of the program was short,  it managed to meet its objectives successfully and boost each active learner’s confidence and know-how in using technology for their online teaching purposes.”

Valentina Papandroulidaki – Teacher – Oxford International

Did online communication in any way impacted the flow of the PRELIM project? Negatively, positively?

I think the combination of synchronous and asynchronous content in this course worked well. While the participants only had 90 minutes of lessons per week, the asynchronous content allowed them to keep working throughout the week, as well as communicate with each other and the teacher via Google Classroom. This gave participants the flexibility to work to their own schedule during the week, while being able to contact others whenever they wanted.

Jack Keating – OIDI Senior Teacher

“Admittedly, online communication was affected by factors related to the participants’ available technology (e.g. internet connection/closed cameras etc.)  but this did not impact the flow of the project severely as the majority of the participants stayed productive till the end of the course and were involved in the learning process with the help of different tools, such as the annotation tool, the chat on Google Meet, the google classroom, padlet etc.”

Valentina Papandroulidaki – Teacher – Oxford International

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