
Preparing to study in the UK

Studying abroad can feel like a challenge, navigating cultural contrasts and unfamiliar customs in everyday life. This course will help you get off to a flying start, with advice and guidance from experts, setting you up for success in the UK!


✓ Approximately 15 hours of asynchronous flexible study.

✓ Interactive learning environment.

✓ Course materials prepared by English Language professionals.

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This Course includes:

✔️ Advice and guidance to help you get the most from your time in the UK. Specifically designed for students travelling to the UK.

✔️ Preparation for your academic journey by getting familiar with the English language and exploring the practices, norms, and customs of everyday life.

✔️ Explanation of  what’s expected of students, teaching styles, and social situations, along with where to get help from others on a wide range of subjects during your time in the UK.

By joining this course, you'll be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the practices, norms, and customs of everyday life in UK education.
  • Reflect on how international students can prepare for success and enjoyment the UK.
  • Describe the expected student behaviour, teaching styles, social interaction, and timetables and routines in UK higher education.
  • Confidently begin your studies in the UK without fear of cultural differences.
  • Understand where to seek help and support from others.

Course Details:

The course aims to:

  • Familiarise participants in norms, customs and systems in the UK.
  • Increase awareness of the skills needed to succeed in academia in the UK.
  • Introduce key information on personal and social tasks likely to occur when living in the UK.
  • Prepare non native speakers for communication in everyday English.

  • Students from countries other than the UK, who are intending to commence studies at a UK university.
  • Professionals who work supporting non UK students intending to move to the UK for studies.
  • Friends and family members of students from outside the UK who are intending to study at UK universities.

Topic 1: Understanding English 

Topic 2: Communication 

Topic 3: What is Expected of Students?

Topic 4: Engagement

Topic 5: The UK Education System

  • Common accent traits, including features of connected speech, varied vowel sounds, paralinguistic sounds.
  • Common nonliteral language.
  • Phrasal verbs, sayings, metaphors, synonyms; techniques for familiarisation.

  • Email routines, etiquette, and style.
  • Interpreting and following instructions.
  • Communicating effectively with classmates.

  • Preparing to attend classes – what to take with you
  • Individual study responsibilities.
  • Self-reflection and goal setting.

  • Attendance and homework/assignment completion.
  • Methods of engagement: emails, portals, noticeboards etc.
  • Contributing to collaborative work with others.

  • Modes of learning; lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials.
  • Methods of assessment.
  • Closed/open book exams, assignments, dissertations.
  • Plagiarism, citations, and referencing.

Asynchronous course consisting of approx. 15 hours of activities and study.

  • End of module quizzes to check learning progress.
  • End of course test to check knowledge and understanding.

The end of module quizzes will allow students to recognise strong and weak areas of knowledge and skill.

The end of course test will need to be passed with a score of 90% or above, although it can be retaken as necessary.

When you’ve finished the course, you’ll receive a certificate from Oxford International Digital Institute as evidence that you’ve attended and passed the course!

Tobin, L. (2009) A Guide to Uni Life. Bath, England. Crimson Publishers.