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The English Language Level Test

The English Language Level Test (ELLT) is an accessible, comprehensive, and secure online test that is trusted by universities around the world.

What is the ELLT?

Our English Language Level Test (ELLT) is a fully online, modularised language skills test to determine a user’s English language abilities. The test examines the four language skills; reading, listening, writing, and speaking capabilities to determine a user’s English language proficiency score based on the Oxford International Digital Institute’s 13-point scale.

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Why Choose the ELLT?

Comprehensive security features, AI proctoring and anti-fraud measures ensure test integrity.

ELLT has been developed to work in environments with low bandwidth and limited internet speeds.

ELLT is a trusted partner of university and education institutions across the globe.

Security at its Core

Core to the ELLT is a range of security features and measures that all play a role in ensuring test integrity. These features help both universities and students to have confidence in the testing portal and the results of each individual.

AI Proctoring amp Anti fraud system

AI Proctoring &
Anti-fraud system

id card

ID Verification

Face detection

Screen and Camera

id card2

Unique ELLT Identification

Video call icon

Human proctoring
(ELLT Examiner)

7. Verified results

Verified Results


Security Breach Protocols

6. Test variation

Test variation

id card
ID Verification
Upon sign-up, the candidate is required to take a photo of themselves with their government issued identification document (passport). This image is saved to the portal and is used by our examiners to verify the candidate’s identity throughout their test.
AI Proctoring amp Anti fraud system
AI Proctoring & Anti-fraud system
Several of our security features use AI to monitor the candidate throughout each component of their test. The anti-fraud system tracks the user’s actions and flags inappropriate behaviour with warning and timestamp. All flags and warnings are then accessed by our examination and test integrity teams.

Some examples of actions that will cause a warning/flag:
  • Multiple people in camera view
  • Background noise that can be recognised as other than the candidate’s
  • Attempting to leave the examination window or load an additional page/screen
  • The use of 3rd party applications
  • face detection
    Screen and Camera Monitoring
    The recordings also captures screenshots of the student and their screen throughout the duration of the exam, these images are captured at intermittent intervals. The images are used to confirm the photo ID presented by the student during the requirements walkthrough and to monitor the students screen activity throughout the test.
    id card2
    Unique ELLT Identification Number
    Each candidate is issued with a unique ELLT student id number for their examination. This allows the student and university to monitor progress and performance and be confident the candidate has been through security and identification checks.
    video call
    Human proctoring (ELLT Examiner)
    The speaking component of the test is conducted directly with a qualified and fully trained ELLT human examiner via video link. In addition to administering the speaking test and marking the candidates written test, our examiner operates as a human proctor. Through an in-depth Q&A session with each candidate they analyse the candidate’s performance on the 3 previous test components and verify identification documents.

    Our ELLT examiners work closely with our academic and test integrity team to ensure a candidate’s speaking abilities are accurate and in line with their performance on other elements of the test
    6. Test variation
    Test Variation
    Drawing on a range of academic resources the reading, listening and written components of the test material is randomly allocated to each student, resulting in no two tests being the same.
    7. Verified results
    Verified Results
    Before a result is released, it is verified and checked by a senior member of the ELLT academic team. This is to ensure that the candidates receive an accurate overall level score, and their identification matches with images from captured in their initial identification and across security features.
    Security Breach Protocols
    In the event of a security and/or anti-fraud features flag the ELLT academic and security team is notified. This team then reviews the specific trigger/flag and reviews the candidate’s component recordings and submission. If a breach of behaviour is found the team, they are able to cancel the candidates test and results immediately.

    Our Test & Courses

    OIDI Web images 9
    Oxford ELLT Digital
    Find out your English language level for higher education with our English Language Level Test (Oxford ELLT). Our...
    OIDI Web images 12
    Oxford ELLT Global
    Find out your English language level in-person at an approved OIDI Test Centre with our ELLT Global. The...

    How do our courses compare?

    Finding the right way to prepare for your ELLT is easy:

    Preparation Course
    ELLT Prep+
    Delivery Method
    Online with a tutor
    Self-paced asynchronous
    Examiner tips & tricks
    Overview of ELLT (from registration to results)
    Live feedback from tutors
    Automated feedback based on responses
    Exam Practice

    How is the ELLT marked?

    Candidates are assessed on a 13-level scale for each skill – reading, listening, speaking, and writing – as well as their overall level, this is the OIDI level scale 0-12. Each section of the test is scored on the candidate’s performance and can be mapped to a CEFR grade and IELTS equivalent score.

    The ELLT reading test is scored out of a total of 32 with the listening test scored out of a total of 24 points. The ELLT speaking and writing tests are assess on a scale of 0 to 12 points across four criteria: Task Achievement, Accuracy and Appropriacy of Language, Fluency and Disclosure Management & Pronunciation/Grammar & Vocabulary. A candidate’s score is tallied, and an overall level is awarded based on an average of the four component levels.















    IELTS equivalent




















    Our Examination Team

    The examiners who conduct the ELLT assessments all have an undergraduate degree, a CELTA or Trinity Cert, extensive teaching experience in exam preparation and at least 1 year of examining experience. 

    Our examination staff are assigned to a candidate and mark both their writing and speaking tests. This allows for the examiner to accurately determine a candidate’s score and provide feedback based on their performance. They also act as a human proctor for security and identification checks.

    Test Moderation

    Once an examiner has completed the assessment documentation all results first go to our senior academic team for review/verification and posting to the ELLT portal. Examiners can also highlight any areas of concern which are then subject to further scrutiny by the senior academic and security team before results are issued.

    Exams are randomly sampled by our senior academic team on a weekly basis for moderation and feedback. Each week a formal meeting is held with all examiners to highlight any discrepancies, and to share best practice.

    ELLT Test Results

    Following the completion of all four sections of the test, candidates can expect to receive their ELLT results from 48 hours after their final skill submission. Results and certificates are released into the ELLT portal for each individual to access at their will.

    Should a candidate disagree with their assessment/score they may appeal their results. Our senior academic team will then review their test, submissions and results, with the outcome of this appeal being provided to the candidate.