Become a qualified EFL teacher.
CertTESOL Full Time CertTESOL Part Time Trinity DipTESOL Teaching Teenagers Teaching Younger LearnersUpskill and gain a professional certificate.
Computer science Bootcamp Introduction to HTML Introduction to JavaScript Introduction to CSS Introduction to JQuery Web developer bootcampGain the academic and English language skills for university.
General English Free English Online Courses for Refugees English for Juniors English for Care online English Online for CanadaGet your English language to the right level for entry to a degree programme in UK, USA or Canada.
Pre-Sessional English for higher education in the UK Pathways English Online for higher education in Canada English for Academic Purposes for higher education in USA Course progression routesGain the academic and English language skills for university.
Integrated Master’s in Leadership, Strategy, Innovation & Management International Foundation Programme Pre-PhD Programme Pre-Master’s in Business & Management Course progression routesGet familiar with the cultural norms in your destination country.
Preparing to study in the UKBecome a qualified EFL teacher.
Upskill and gain a professional certificate.
Gain the academic and English language skills for university.
Get your English language to the right level for entry to a degree programme in UK, USA or Canada.
Gain the academic and English language skills for university.
Get familiar with the cultural norms in your destination country.
Receive expert guidance and prepare for your English language test
We are regularly reviewed by independent industry regulators and accrediting bodies who comprehensively assess our schools and ensure we achieve excellence across all that we do.
Trinity College London is an independent awarding body and examinations board and has been providing assessments and qualifications around the world since 1877. As part of Oxford International, we work with them to ensure that students receive high-quality and accredited teacher training.
Oxford International is accredited by the British Council for providing English language online teaching programmes for our adult English Schools and Junior Programmes. In addition, our online General English, Summer Camps and Pre-sessional English courses have all been accredited.
We are thrilled to be recognised by the British Council and to uphold the standards of the British Council inspection scheme. Read more here:
The Partnered Remote Language Improvement Project (PRELIM)
Funded by the British Council and run in partnership with IATEFL and English UK, with NILE as managing consultants, PRELIM (the Partnered Remote Language Improvement Project) funds the delivery of tailor-made training to improve the English teachers’ language competence and increasing their confidence in the classroom across 40 countries.
Each year, select organisations are chosen to take part in the project and submit a throughout report on their findings. These findings help improve outcomes across the TESOL and online teaching industry.
Oxford International’s teacher training division is proud to be one of the English UK member centres selected for the project. The project functions like a mentoring programme, created to develop and improve the delivery of remote language learning courses.
Oxford International English Schools UK educational provision is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, which ensures that schools comply with the current regulatory requirements for schools in the UK. In November 2022, the ISI conducted an Integrated Inspection involving the observation of lessons, co-curricular activities, and interviews with staff, students and trustees. The Schools are found to ‘exceed expectations overall, and the quality of curriculum, teaching and learners’ outcome achievements is excellent.’
Oxford International Digital Institute has achieved NEAS endorsement as a quality product and service for our Oxford ELLT.
NEAS reviewed Oxford ELLT using Quality Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework, evaluating its underlying research, fulfilment of purpose, quality assurance processes, innovation, and contribution to the English Language Teaching (ELT) community.