English Language Preparation Courses for University Study

Our English for university preparation courses have been designed to help students improve their level of English proficiency to match the language requirements of their chosen university. Students will cover the main building blocks of language such as grammar and vocabulary as well as develop reading, listening, speaking, writing and mediation skills in English.


English Language Preparation Courses explained

Our English Language Preparation Courses improve students’ English level for entry into foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate education at their chosen higher education institution – at no extra cost to the institution. Over 6, 12 or 16 weeks students develop language and academic skills for entry into their chosen degree.

6 weeks

1 OIDI Level or 0.5 IELTS level increase

12 weeks

2 OIDI Levels or 1.0 IELTS level increase

16 weeks

3 OIDI Levels or 1.5 IELTS level increase

Course Highlights

10 hours of live online classes per week

10 hours of guided self-study per week

1:1 tutorials available where required

Customised study throughout course

Teaching and learning methodologies are primarily based on a communicative approach, encouraging students to develop their productive skills in English while receiving constructive feedback from their tutors. 

The scheme of work includes selected themes and language topics that are in-line with what the students will require at university, drawing on Oxford International’s extensive experience with international colleges.

Live online teaching enables us to customise the instruction to the students’ needs and to provide assessment and feedback at regular intervals.

Our study platform is an online interactive learning platform that is designed to develop and test the students’ English language skills through user-friendly exercises. The platform is fully adaptable to students’ proficiency level, allowing them to practise specific skills tailored to their needs.

Weekly assignments build on the skills developed during the study weeks. Each assignment is assessed by the class tutor who provides feedback to students.

Students final grades and level will be based on:

  • Assignment submissions
  • Course assessment
  • End of course assessment

Assignments are an essential component of the course as they are closely linked to assessment and tasks and help students prepare and succeed. To encourage regular review and assessment submission, they carry 10% of the final overall grade. The Course Assessments 1 and 2 carry 20% of the final grade each, and the Final Assessment carries 50% of the final overall level.

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Our courses

Our English language courses help students achieve the English proficiency required for undergraduate or postgraduate study in the UK, USA or Canada. Explore the courses below.

Course outcomes

Our Online Pre-Sessional English course improve students’ understanding and use of the English language and academic skills for university-level study. At the end of the course students will have improved in the following areas:


Students write opinion essays on a variety of topics and develop writing process strategies to produce coherent texts.


Students will demonstrate a thorough reading comprehension and the ability to think critically when responding to a variety of texts.


Students will develop skills that enable them to express themselves effectively and presentation skills.


Students will have a greater understanding of vocabulary and to be able to actively following listening input and take notes.

Digital literacy

Students will know how to navigate digital tools such as a VLE and communicate with peers and teachers online.


Students will gain the ability to work collaboratively with peers, evaluate one’s work critically and engage actively in academic settings.

Happy students

We care about student experience and have developed our English Language Preparation Courses ensuring students develop not only academic and language skills, but develop their soft and social skills. Our students leave our courses happy.

95% student satisfaction

98.2% progression rate

"What I liked most about the course, definitely was the course content on Moodle. I'm very satisfied with the course. In particular, I learned a lot of presentation skills, at first I was afraid to speak in public, but now I became a lot more confident"
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"I was very satisfied with the overall experience because I was in a group with students from different countries and this made me learn a lot about their culture. Thanks to my teacher and this course, now I am confident while I talk English."
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"I was very satisfied because the teacher taught me very well and was very friendly. I really liked the atmosphere of the class and this course has improved my English level and made me more confident."
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Hua Jing
"The most important thing [from taking this course] is that I have improved my writing skills and listening skills... so I am extremely satisfied. I feel like this course will help me with my future studies in the UK."
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Why Work with us?

Student Success

Our rigorous approach to teaching ensures that 98.2% of our students improve their English language levels to progress to university study.

Highly qualified teachers

Our teachers are highly qualified with 30+ years of teaching experience.

Easy student management

Our experienced admissions team streamline the application process hand holding students through the process and minimising processing time for institutions.

Customisable course

We provide customisable course length and exit levels to fit your institution’s need.

No cost

Our courses are offered at no cost to institutions.

Diverse student body

We work with our global network of educational consultants to grow student numbers and diversity while focussed on quality.

"AUB is pleased to work with OIDI to provide pre-sessional English courses to our incoming students. OIDI services are a real asset to smaller universities. Working with OIDI offers us the ability to provide a broader range of English courses than we could do on our own. Through OIDI we are able to offer a mixture of bespoke AUB English sessions and OIDI's general English classes with weekly start dates which gives our students maximum flexibility to meet their educational needs."
Dan Meyer, In Country Recruitment and Student Experience Manager
Arts University Bournemouth

Frequently Asked Questions

To accept our English Preparation for University study course, get in touch with our team today to discuss options.

The course has three key components: Live lessons with a qualified English language teacher. Extended study which is an opportunity to work with their classmates on homework or collaborative tasks in a virtual environment. Students will also need to spend some time studying independently and preparing for lessons.

Study groups are made up of approximately 10-12 students.

Students will need to download Zoom and Teams. They will also get access to Oxford International’s Moodle platform with all course resources.

Students will have 120 minute live lesson per day from Monday to Friday. However, they will be assigned additional tasks and study projects so they will also need to spend about 2 hours on extended study and self-study.

The course is secure and we regularly review are security features to ensure we meet the needs of our partner institutions. You can be rest assured that the results you receive from your students are accurate and trusted. Our results certificates include added features for peace of mind, such as student photo from the assessment, personal ID to be compared, date of birth and a certificate and student ID. Upon request, we can provide further detailed information about the students progress while on course, if required. 

We review teaching materials after each cohort to ensure they up-to-date and relevant for all our students. In addition to the review of existing materials, we have developed a new course block for our student who need to the exit level at equivalent of IELTS 7. The 6.6 – 7 block of materials will focus furthering students’ academic skills, working with longer formats of texts and writing, exposure to more on citations and referencing styles. Students should demonstrate learner autonomy and independence as well as ability to apply EAP concepts to their chosen field of study.